A selection from Dr. Nasr's Wunderkammer

Auction house De Zwaan is pleased to offer a selection from Dr. Nasr’s Wunderkammer in its General Art and Antiques Auction. Ramsey Nasr is a Dutch poet, writer, essayist, actor, director, librettist and translator. But also: a collector, an incredibly passionate collector!
We met him in the five-part television series Dr. Nasrs Wunderkammer, broadcast by the NPO in 2023. In it, he takes us into the wonderful world of collecting. But what is collecting actually? The Dikke van Dale mentions the following:

collect (collected, has collected)

1. save, gather: collect stamps

2. come together: gather at the station at ten o’clock

We would like to elaborate on this in more detail, and certainly not weaken the meaningful term according to the Van Dale dictionary, but according to us and Dr. Nasr, collecting is something completely different…

In a world and time period where mass production and quick and short observations threaten to become a habit, collecting is a tangible stop to create order in the interests that a person can have. And Ramsey Nasr certainly has those interests, and more. With passion and enthusiasm he collects a whole world around him in which amazement turns into the sharpening of the senses.

The selection of objects from the collection of Ramsey Nasr that Veilingebouw de Zwaan will auction include a stuffed badger, various antique works, great historical photographs, a rare stereo viewer, a collection of arrowheads. But also beautiful hand-colored natural history engravings and prints, a globe and some hairs from a woolly mammoth.

Come, look and let your senses be stimulated!

You will find all objects from this collection under the category “A selection from Dr. Nasr’s Wunderkammer”